Wellness beyond traditional medicine
Personalized Lifestyle medicine
Evidence-based behavioral interventions to prevent, treat, and manage chronic disease
what is lifestyle medicine?
Personalized Lifestyle Medicine is a medical specialty using therapeutic lifestyle intervention as the first line of treatment for chronic medical conditions including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. It emphasizes educating and motivating patients to improve the quality of their lives using evidence – based personalized lifestyle changes to treat and when possible, reverse, chronic diseases. It includes changing personal habits and behaviors, whole food nutrition, regular physical activity, restorative sleep, stress management, social support, preventive medicine and avoidance of toxins.

Disease is not a normal part of aging. Scientific research has shown that many chronic conditions associated with aging can be prevented or reversed by simple healthy lifestyle changes. Healthy lifestyle choices gives you better control of your health and wellness.
Our program provides
- Personalized nutrition
- Meal planning
- Meal preparation education
- Stress management
- Sleep management
- Exercise plan recommendations