Personalized Functional Medicine based in Miami, Florida

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Dr. Teresa Iribarren in the news


    • University of Miami Osher 10th annual Integrative Medicine Conference (March 2022)
    • PharmEvo Event, Pakistan ( March 2022 ) 
    • IHS – Integrative Healthcare Symposium ( Feb 2022 ) 
    • Pathological Calcification Metagenics Institute (Nov 2021)
    • Regular Baptist International Speaker 
    • UHC TV
    • UHC Radio

what patients are saying

I find Dr. Iribarren to be very thorough and extremely knowledgeable. She spends an extensive amount of time with me during every visit, whether it’s a routine yearly visit or an emergency. She answers all my questions, no matter how trivial. It is very comforting to find a doctor who does not rush me to get to the next patient. I recommended Dr. Iribarren to my daughter who is also very happy with her. Thank you Dr. Iribarren.

Very good doctor. She was very clear on my treatment options. Treated me as a person not a symptom. She explains in clearly understandable terms all my results. My experience was very positive from ease of setting up appointment to the quickness of getting my results. I highly recommend this doctor.